Thursday 24 May 2012

Create your very own trojon virus very helpful !!!

create your very own trojon virus


trojan virus is just a file but when you open it. It starts a countdown to turn off your computer and you cant exit it this will do no damage just shut down your computer

1. First open notepad and type the following :

@echo off


shutdown –s –t 20 –c “what you want to say”

2. The number (20) is how long
 the countdown is before it shut down

3. You can change colour by putting

color A

instead of



and you can also fill the box with letters by putting




goto 1

4. Save this file as name.bat

Switches you can used with shutdown

-s for shutting down the pc

-t nn Indicates the duration of delay, in seconds, before

-c "messagetext" Displays a message in the System Shutdown window.

maximum of 127 characters can be used. The

message must be enclosed in quotation marks

Other useful commands

-f Forces any running applications to shut down.

-r Reboots the PC

-l Logs off the current user. 

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